What is sex or sexual attraction?

Sex is an important part of our lives. Sexual desire can vary greatly between people at different times. We will tell you what factors affect the quality of your sex life and how to improve it.

What it is.

Craving is a desire that stimulates us to action.

It is characterized by the constancy of its appearance and usually expresses a need that we have not yet realized or fully realized. Sexual is the instinctive expression of a person’s need to reproduce, which motivates him to take action to satisfy it, that is, to have sex.

Sigmund Freud found the causes of attraction in the internal sources of irritation and believed that it is a constant force that is directed to eliminate arousal. The arousal process in some organ triggers it in order to end that irritation. Characteristics:

  • source;
  • target;
  • object;
  • force.

Freud divides this into 2 types:

1. libido – the craving for life, the purpose of which is to preserve and develop oneself – this includes sexual desire;

2. mortido – the desire for death and destruction.

What it depends on

Attraction of the sexes is laid at the instinctive level. Its intensity is influenced by many factors: genetics, hormonal background, condition of the brain department, conditioned reflexes, which are developed on the basis of social and psychological experience of an individual. The object of desire becomes a man who is close to the inner vision of physical and behavioral attractiveness.

About the masculine

Attraction in men depends primarily on the amount of testosterone. It is a hormone that affects the development and expression of secondary male characteristics, which include an abundance of vegetation and developed muscular musculature.

Testosterone production may be reduced by surgery, chronic fatigue and stress, the use of synthetic drugs.

The psychological state affects desire. Once a man hears an unflattering remark about his genitals or suffers a fiasco in love pleasures, he may not show a desire for sex for a long time, not trusting himself.

In young men it provokes the appearance of a serious complex. Going to a sex therapist is hard for men. If there is no improvement for a long time, it is better to see a doctor.

About Women’s

The strength of female sexual attraction is influenced by a hormone such as estrogen. Conformity of a man to the notions of physical attractiveness in a woman’s mind contributes to the emergence of desire.

But that’s not all. The object’s behavior has a significant impact on the choice of a partner. Females of all species subconsciously gravitate toward the strongest male representatives.

Studies of scientists showed that the attraction occurs between people who have the number of hormones at approximately the same level. A healthy woman who is at the peak of her sexuality will be attracted to the same man.

Psychologically speaking, in relationships women often make the mistake of trying to subjugate a man who has attracted them with his strength. If he surrenders, passing the primacy in the relationship, the attraction to the man will fade, and the woman will find the reasons in her partner.

On the physiological side, the strength of attraction is determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation comes when the follicle ruptures and the endometrium begins to renew. Then the egg detaches from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube to be fertilized.

This is called ovulation. A few days before and throughout the period of ovulation, the girl’s desire for sex increases due to the release of hormones.

But it can decrease if a woman is chronically tired, overstressed, or on medication. If eliminating the suspected causes does not help, you can go to a doctor – a sexopathologist or psychotherapist.

To begin with he will determine the level of hormones. It could be estrogen and adrenal or thyroid hormones. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment.

Frigidity is rarely caused by physiological reasons. Mostly sexual problems in women arise from psychological aspects. If a girl has been abused or has unpleasant memories of sexual intercourse, this can cause problems with pleasure.

Pathology or the norm

Sometimes too much attraction is found. Usually people who suffer from it engage in self-satisfaction or lead a promiscuous sexual life. There comes a point when the sufferer stops getting satisfaction even with orgasm.

Increased sexual arousal is considered the norm for teenagers. If within a few years the excessive lust does not pass, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as the matter may be a hormonal failure or even in the wrong functioning of the brain. Only a specialist will identify the cause and choose the appropriate therapy.

If decreased

The main reason for decreased sexual activity is stress. Many experts are searching for methods to increase sexual desire and agree that lifestyle is of paramount importance.

Eat right.

Start by reviewing your diet. The diet should contain substances necessary for the normal state of the body: micronutrients, vitamins, minerals.

There should be more vegetable fats and less animal fats.

Move more.

Because of the office work a lot of time spent in a sitting position that leads to poor circulation, a decrease in sex drive. People who regularly add physical activity to their lives do not have such problems.

For prevention, it is recommended to exercise at least every other day. It is best to swim in the pool, exercise in the gym, run or ride a bike in the fresh air.

In the absence of full exercise, it is worth doing at least a morning exercise. If you remember to do it daily, you will soon notice signs of improvement in your sex life.

Revive love.

Often the reason for the breakdown of sexual relations in a couple are psychological problems. You need to calmly discuss what’s bothering you, find compromises, and strengthen the emotional connection.

If you have been together for a long time, try to diversify your leisure time with a romantic evening or other surprises. This can bring the mutual attraction back to its initial level.


What is sexual attraction – it is a tool necessary for the continuation of the biological species and the expression of deep feelings. Lead a healthy lifestyle, learn how to build a harmonious relationship, and you will be able to enjoy sex.

The help of drugs is worth to resort to only with the appointment of a doctor, when the cause of the violations will be identified. Unreasonable use of drugs will not get rid of the problem, can give the opposite, causing unpleasant side effects – from liver problems to heart attacks.

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